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Front sleepers are control freaks, back sleepers are reserved and people who sleep in the foetal position are warm-hearted and protective... at least according to research by British Professor Chris Idzikowski of the British Sleep Assessment and Advisory Service.

He surveyed thousands of people on their sleeping habits and it showed that your sleeping habits and positions can reveal a lot about your personality. Find out what your sleeping position says about you.

The Foetus

This is the most common sleeping position. The foetal position, as its name already suggests, reflects the attitude of an unborn baby in the womb. People who sleep in the foetal position lie on their side, with their knees raised up to the chest.

Those that sleep in the foetal position often show themselves to be tough and strong but are secretly quite shy and sensitive. They also tend to worry more about things and are often looking for a sense of safety and comfort. Socially, these people are warm-hearted.

Character: Social, tough on the outside, sensitive on the inside, looking for safety and comfort, warm-hearted and thoughtful about life.

The Starfish

In this position you lie flat on your back with your arms up and your legs slightly apart. Those that sleep this way often attach great value to friendships. They are usually good listeners and advisors to others but prefer not to be the centre of attention.

Character: Friendly, good listeners, generous and happy in the background.

The Free Fall

Free fallers usually lie flat on their stomachs, with their hands above their heads or under the pillow. This sleeping position is common in people who like to be in control. They often feel that they are missing out on control in their lives and can sometimes make a somewhat nervous impression. However, they are pleasant and rather rash in their actions, but they do not shy away from risk.

Character: Control freak, sensitive to criticism, brash and direct, nervous in extreme situations but a fun and pleasant personality.

The Trunk

People who have this sleeping position lie on their side, with arms and legs stretched next to the body. Those who sleep in the trunk position are socially minded and sometimes a little gullible. They're real pack animals. They can seem a bit stiff and sometimes behave a bit stuffily. For example, they often cope poorly with change.

Not only is the character somewhat stiff, the body posture of these sleepers can also be tense. This is because this sleeping position does not exactly contribute to the relaxation of muscles during the night.

Character: Tense, stiff attitude, socially minded, reliable and credulous.

The Soldier

In this sleeping position you lie completely flat on your back, with your arms tightly along your sides. The Soldier is usually a fairly quiet and reserved type, who has high expectations of themselves and others. These people are often very disciplined.

Character: Reserved, disciplined, perfectionist, quiet and sets high standards.

The Yearner

In this sleeping position you lie on your side, with your arms outstretched in front of you. Those that sleep in this position are usually open and sociable people, but they are somewhat suspicious and cynical. They often find it difficult to make their own decisions, but once they have made a decision, they are fixed on it and they will not deviate from it.

Character: Suspicious, confident, sociable, slow in decisions and outgoing.

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